Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Blah Days and Disappointments.......

This last week I kind of been away from the blogging world.  I did not post nor did I visit my usual blogs.  I have had some "blah" days.  I just felt overwhelmed by life and stayed on the couch most of the time.  I did go dog sit for my sister-in-law, but that was about all I did last week.  Do you ever have those days?  No matter what I couldn't shake it.   Then today I had 2 disappointments.  Oh well, life isn't always a bowl full of cherries, huh?  Today, I visited "my" blogger buddies and hopefully I will keep back on track with my blogging.   Do you ever fall off the blogging wagon?  I hope everyone has a great week.   GOD is still in control!!!


betty said...

I think blah days are part of life, especially in this day and age where there seems to be more stacked against us than going for us. But you are right, God is in control and it is always so encouraging that he knows what we need when we need it and he is always there for us. Sorry about your disappointments, that is hard to deal with on top of feeling blah. I go through ups and downs with blogging, when I start feeling like falling off it, I take a break to recharge my batteries, but I always miss everyone so I eventually make my way back :)


BARBIE said...

I am sorry you've been feeling blah. I get that way sometimes. And that's when I take care of me and blogging takes the back seat. Praying you feeling better soon.

Susan Kane said...

Oh, I do understand. There is only so much time, and so much to give. I have done the same, and feel the same bit of guilt. Keep writing, and I will read when ever your name pops up on my dashboard.