Sunday, June 26, 2011

Movie Review....

My hubby and I went to see another "free" movie last night.   Kung Fu Panda 2 in 3D.  It was funny.  It had a good story line.  The effects were amazing.  It also had some "teachable" scenes that you could pull out and use to discuss with your children.  There was even a scene that almost seemed "Christian" in nature and what I mean is that you could apply that scene to our life with Christ.   I would go into detail but do not want to give anything away.  I would definantly give this a thumbs up. 

I wil probably be doing quite a few movies reviews since my husband gets free tickets.  I hope this does not bore you as I will try to "post" about other things as well.  I have just been so tired lately that my mind is somewhat mush right now.


Tonja said...

My kids saw it last week and liked it a lot too. We had (then lost) the original Kung Fu Panda DVD - my two year liked it but was afraid of the "Dragon Thing."

Dawn M. Hamsher said...

I heard it was really good, but haven't seen it yet.

betty said...

I like your movie reviews!! We rarely get to the movies these days so it is nice to know what is a good movie in someone's eyes in case we can so that we can choose wisely. I have heard this movie was good; glad you enjoyed it!


Unknown said...

I also love the movie reviews! I am looking forward to when Benjamin is a bit bigger and can enjoy the theater with me!

I've heard wonderful things about this one too.

God bless!

Spenc said...

I loved Kung Fu Panda 1, and will probably see 2 when it gets to the cheap theaters, but am I the only one wondering why everything has to be in 3D now? I don't think it adds that much to a movie and it seems like they are always sequels, we don't have another idea concept so let's do the same thing in 3D. Ugh we saw Rio and it was in 3D but we didn't get a seat that was dead center we were toward the front on the side and it just didn't work. Glad you had fun and enjoyed the show. Sounds like you are appreciating the perks of your hubbies new job.